I LOVE MY LOTTIE!!Therefore I thought she deserved a pressie, after all she has given me. Think me not mad, I beg you, I am aware that 'she' is not a sentient being and cares not for presents, but, well as I said ~ I love my Lottie.
So, behold her old sign. It was made in some haste in answer to the tenancy agreement, which stipulated we all mark our territory. (Maggie already had done so, in her own personal way, of course, but this was not seen as good enough). A very old, battered bit of fencing board was bashed up and as you can see,I, just quickly, but with care, wrote the wonderful letters and numbers which would soon mean so much.
A24a.Here it is on the day it was 'planted' in the corner of our plot. That doesn't sound like the right word, but it is apt...

And here it is on the day of its makeover. Exciting!

Well now, the quick witted of you with be thinking ~ Titles, Grout, ummmm! Yes indeed I made my 1st ever Mosaic. And boy was it fun. Any excuse to take a hammer to things and really bash it up into tiny bits and I feel happier. It was done under controlled conditions though : newspaper down, pencil and paper for a plan, tea towel to cover tiles and Maggie safely in the corner of her favourite sofa, sleeping.
I left out the 'A' this time because we all know which fields are which by now. And, quite frankly it wouldn't have fitted on the wood anyway. I'm sure I need not tell you how to do Mosaic, but I will pass on the joy of 'Fix and Grout' in one, so much easier and cheaper than buying 2 different tiling things.
Here is the finished article, I'm quite pleased, as I am sure my Lottie is too.

N.B. This was also written on the 22nd!! Golly I hope this post dating lark works. I'll be off in Fermanagh on Boxing day for a week, just me, the Hubby and Maggie ~ bliss.