Friday, 16 July 2010

I was at my Lottie (on Monday)

Okay so I'm only getting round to writing about it now - but it did happen, I was at my Lottie. Here, in Northern Ireland we had the 11th and 12th of July off for the Orangemen parades etc so Andrew was able to have a shortened week at work (I can't believe it's Friday today) and we spent some lovely extra time together. It was also sunny, not sure where that sun has gone now though as we have had heavy rain ever since.

So, yep I was weeding like crazy, 5 trugs full to the brim; that's a lot of weeds. And then pulling out a good few plants that had seriously bolted, a wheelbarrow full in fact - eek! All the Rocket had bolted and something else which escapes my mind at the minute and they had to go. Half of the Broad beans were also lifted having done us proud, and the goodness filled (nitrogen) roots left in the ground for the subsequent planting of the perpetual Spinach.

Proof, if it were needed, that I was in fact, there!
I started this this morning but, there is no chance of me finishing this post today, I have too much to say and no energy to say it. I went for a walk today by myself, my 2nd solo one in the past 2 weeks, after over a year! I thought it would make me feel good, proud and bouncy - ready to take on all those little jobs I have wanted/needed to get done, but instead I feel terrible, I pushed too hard. And now, I can barely talk, move or give a damn about anything. I have more though, and will be happier the next time I assure you.

Hugs galore - off to eat some beetroot, cabbage and erm, something else from the lottie. Andrew's cooking  :)


  1. I adore fresh cooked beetroot. There is something moorish about it, you can't just eat one slice, you have to continue. Actually Buddy adores beetroot too!

  2. Lovely lottie pics - have a great weekend.


  3. Sounds like you had a fantastic time. Techie question how do you do the group of mini-photos (sorry don't know the right word for this!) as it looks great.

  4. Hi Carrie,

    just wondering if I sent you some of my elecampane (inula) before? as that looks like the flower in the top right hand corner?!

    lovely photos - your poppies are just the best! I only had one that self seeded and survived the chickens and slugs but it was gorgeous; you can never have too many poppies!

  5. Damo - they are called collages and I do them super simply on Picasa - which you automatically get when you use Blogger but I think you can probably download it. I have version 3. xx

    Rosie - What a clever girl!! That is one of many blooms from the very plant you posted up to me - god you are good!!!!

    Great weekend everyone xxxxxxx

  6. Thanks Carrie, if I haven't posted a collage in the next few weeks you know I've failed miserably on the techie front. The weather is picking up here just in time for our village music festival on Sunday. Have a great weekend!

  7. Wow, you've been busy! I don't think I accomplished nearly as much today (Saturday). I think mebbe I scratched an itch on my head or something but that's about it! Yup, it's all go here at the Single household! :P

  8. Beautiful collage, Carrie. I smiled to see you out and about among the green goodness. :)

    It's hard to tell sometimes when we are pushing too hard -- at the moment we're doing it. Weird, huh? During the June heat wave, I nearly fainted one day when I worked too late in the day (10:45 a.m.), and ended up just laying on the ground til F. came and found me, sprawled out among the basil and cucumbers. Yet I'd swear I felt all right until I pulled that very last weed and straightened up!

    Sorry to hear you feel so bad -- and after doing something with the best of intentions. Proud of you. You're beautiful, dear friend. Feel better. :)

  9. (I do believe I deleted my comment - Rats!)
    What I attempted to say was... yes, indeed, the residents of the penitentiary on Alcatraz Island included some serious gardeners!
    Those who garden currently are all upstanding citizen volunteers who love the place.
    Hope you're having a good day, Carrie my dear.

    Sending hugs from the Left Coast of the U.S.

    and by the way, I have serious raspberry envy!!!
    xoxoxo Alice
    aka Alice's Garden Travel Buzz / Bay Area Tendrils


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