Pretty Dahlia in the back garden
I am miserable. Sorry to say. Yes another day of panic and self hatred, not quite off the scale but about 7/10, maybe 8. I feel so low and even though the sun is shinning is feels like it is doing so merely to mock me. I am eating chocolate with green tea and ginger in it 'for wellness', it also tastes bloody gorgeous.
Things got so bad last night that we eat a take away Chinese meal for dinner! Our fridge is bunged full with lovely fresh lottie produce but the big cloud offer this house causes a feeling of depression to all who enter at the moment. There has been a serious case of the 'I can't be bothereds'.
So, yep, we have a bean glut and tonight I guess we need to do something about it. So, just in case you aren't too sure how to go about freezing yours, allow me to refresh your memory, or indeed just plain tell you.
Runners and French Beans :
Top and tail them all, then cut them lengthways so you have 2 long thin bits, then throw them into boiling water for about 2mins, not any longer. Remove from pot and lay them out to cool. Then stick them in a freezer bag.
We were very silly and didn't do this with them all last year , some were just thrown in bags and into the freezer = some de-frosted bags of very limp, slimy beans, not nice!
And while we're on the subject, here's a load of Piccalilli Andrew made with a glut of courgettes. I HATE pickley things and vinegar - yuck! But this is supposed to be gorgeous, and that isn't just Andrew saying that, other reliable sources have tasted some of his mustardy concoction.

I got him the recipe
here, at As with all chutney type recipes you can change it to fit your needs.
2kg./4lb. mixed veg (including cauliflower florets, chopped cucumber,pickling onions and small French beans)(I have used courgette or gherkins instead of cucumber)
25g./1oz flour
25g./1oz dry mustard
900ml./ 1 1/2pints malt vinegar (I use pickling vinegar if I can get it)
30ml./2 tablespoons turmeric
4 chillis, chopped (I use red for a bit of colour and heat)
50g./2oz sugar
Spread the vegetables in a large, shallow dish and sprinkle over the salt. Set aside for 24 hours, then drain off any liquid and rinse in cold running water. Set aside to dry.Mix the flour and mustard, turmeric to a paste with a little of the vinegar. Put the remaining vinegar and the remaining ingredients into a saucepan and bring to the boil. Stir in the vegetables and flour mixture and bring back to the boil. Simmer for 15 mins or until thick. Set aside to cool . Pour into sterilized jars and seal.
Makes about 2kg./ 4lb. piccalilli
Hugs to all xx