Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Take time to look beyond your own plot, please.
The website is very informative if somewhat shocking in the statistics that it provides. I for one know more about stupid celebrity gossip than I do about this. Shameful.
My SOS message:
'Please help save the rainforest and all it's inhabitants, needlessly being made extinct from the Earth we all the same right to share. Plus, this world, well, it's the only one we have and the only source of chocolate!'
Preaching over, hugs x Plus, sorry if I don't get to visit your blog today, my broadband connection is playing up (took 4 hours to be able to write this!)
Monday, 28 September 2009
You're part Daffodil

Friday, 25 September 2009
Pride goes before a fall (well, I hope not!)
(Way back in April - damp but some little slabs here and there)
Slabs lifted - work begins
Thursday, 24 September 2009
An award? for me!!?!

I think I am supposed to write 10 things about myself and then pass it on to some people I think deserve it. So, if you will allow me to be so self indulgent I shall do just that. Incidentally I have no idea where this originally started but thank you to whoever made it up and allowed us 'winners' to be both praised by others and be completely egoistical within the one bloggette.
I shall be passing it along to Joy at GardenJoy4Me and VP at vegplotting, both 'great reads'.... Quite frankly I would pass it on to everyone on my blog roll if I didn't think that sort of went against the idea. Love to all my fellow bloggers, you're all winners in my eyes x
1 ~ I like instructions, rules to follow to the letter. That way I know where I am and where I have to go. (Shame on you Jessica for not proving detailed instructions about this award process. Are you sure I just have to write 10 random facts about myself?)
2 ~ Apart from working on my Lottie and thus getting to write about it here, my other great passion is for taking photographs. These things combined make for a happy girl. Now I just have to find a way to become filthy rich whilst doing them.
3 ~ I wish to become filthy rich as I like travelling and want/need to see more of the world. To go on holiday is like packing up your clothes etc and just leaving behind all the crap in your life at home in the wardrobe. Unfortunately it is still there when you get back but for those glorious days away you are free! Yes, the depression and anxiety do come along and somehow pass through customs unnoticed but for some reason you can kick them in the butt and make more of an impact on them when in a sunnier climate.
4 ~ I LOVE MY HUSBAND Andrew, he is lovely.
5 ~ I'd be lost without my little dog Maggie. We adopted her some years ago from a dog pound (horrid places) and I knew she was 'the one' just by the glimpse of her nose that I got before we got into the kennels properly. Love at first sight for me, though her hair was so overgrown and matted I don't think she could see, poor baby. I hope she's happy with us.
6 ~ Like most people I never got to know my idols, my paternal grandparents. My papa had a stroke when I was a young teenager and was gone in soul for a long time before he eventually died. My most cherished childhood memory is of him and I would love for him to have met my husband; I think they are alike. His back garden was an allotment. My Nana fought Cancer gallantly and was forever the lady. I was only beginning to know her as a person (not just as my nana) when she was taken, too soon. I think of them everyday and the pain of their absence never seems to ease. I guess that is love for you.
7 ~ I have permanent double vision! A real pain in the ass but I have to live with it. Yes, I see 2 of everything and one of those images moves around all the time - tiring to say the least. Also another reason why I love photography - you only need one eye to take a picture.
8 ~ My favourite vegetable to grow on the plot is the green bean - very prolific and very tasty. They just seem to want to grow and make the plot look so abundant and like I know what I'm doing, with wigwams and all. Plus, if I had to eat one veg every single day forever more I could do worse (my real favourite is Sweetcorn which is also very impressive looking to grow on the plot. I have 2 favourites) and I had loads of them in Brittany recently with steak -yummy!!
9 ~ My favourite fruit to grow on the Lottie is the Raspberry, just because they are GORGEOUS and you seem to get a nice steady crop of them, a few more everyday, rather than a glut. I love raspberries. Berries in general are a wonderful gift from mother nature and should only be eaten in season if you ask me, which I know you didn't but I'm telling you anyway. A ripe berry plucked from the plant, warm with the sunshine, popped in the mouth - joy incarnate.
10 ~ Lastly ECOTHERAPY ROCKS! That is a fact and you can take it to the bank (if you trust banks, which I don't).
Thank you for reading this, if you did in fact make it the whole way through. Happy Thursday to you all x
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
A, B and C
Monday, 21 September 2009
Real Green Heroes, on our Lotties!!!

Saturday, 19 September 2009
You, yes I'm talking to you
Okay, the depression and anxiety returned later on in the evening etc but for that time on my little piece of Eden with Andrew and Maggie I was okay. I was numb and completely involved in the task at hand and taking photos. I know 'numb' isn't perfect but believe me, it's better than sitting on the sofa hiding from the world and better than wanting to cut yourself.
Ecotherapy is a therapy and as such there are days when you hate it, days when it touches a nerve and makes you mad or so unhappy, but then those days when it sends you to a quiet, peaceful place in your mind - well, that makes up for everything.
Please, I know I go on about it but try it out for yourself, tell your friends, experience the wisdom and the empathy of plants and nature in general. I urge you with all my being, every breath.
Love C xx
Friday, 18 September 2009
lots to share
In France we bought an adaza, we'd been finding it very hard to get one here and the on-line shipping costs for something so heavy were nuts. So we gave it a try and oh!, it's great. Unfortunately we were in such a tizzy of work I didn't take a photo but I'll post one soon. We also bought a bell for the shed. It's for me to ring when Andrew wanders off around the fields and inevitably gets chatting for a long time. I can ring it and get him back again - that's the idea, I have my reservations about it actually working. Men (especially once they become husbands) seem to have very selective hearing!!!
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Don't adjust your settings..
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
The estate agent
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Reality hits me like a smack on the face ~ UPDATED
I just can't get over this mental block. Writing is so difficult and I want to scream because it is my usual release in life. I have stories from a really hard working weekend with Andrew at the plots. I am so proud of what we achieved but the stories won't form and everything is disjointed.
Yesterday Carrots and Kids wrote a beautiful bloggette, giving her thanks to a sunflower for just growing and giving her joy. I encourage you to read it. May Dreams Gardens is having her monthly Blooms day today and it is a delight as ever. I need to quiet my mind or I am afraid I may hurt myself, I've already started biting my hand (what's that all about?). I leave you with my some of my flower pics.
I hope you like them and just appreciate a moment looking at perfection. I'm hoping I will get some solace out of sitting here and looking at them myself. I'm just a ball at the moment, shaking and full of misplaced anger. I need ecotherapy or maybe just knocked out and allowed to sleep. x
It's all red and yellow in my border!
P.S. Spoke to Andrew and he is coming home a little early if he can. I'll hopefully get to the lottie and hopefully feel a bit better.
Andrew arrived home early. I had taken sedatives and was so sleepy so after a coffee and sugary biccie we hit the Lottie. I worked so hard and I felt good!! Can you believe it ~ ECOTHERPAY ROCKS. I really enjoyed the few hours there and was protective of my areas of work, I wanted to really see my progress. I didn't take the camera but trust me I was/am knackered now and happier. With more self-esteem I'm off to work on my photos xx
Monday, 14 September 2009
So then, Brittany and Normandy...
this was a harvest display in a tiny cafe!
This was Andrew's, it had banana in it so healthy, ha!