Wednesday, 23 February 2011

An onslaught of photos from A24a :)

 Here she is, our first born A24a, in all her current ummm, glory?What a crappy grey day, week, month it has been eh? The ground is sodden -
It's not necessarily cold but that horrible dampness is in the air that just gets into your bones and sort of makes your nose run and make you feel like you need to pee lots. Sorry to be crude but it's true :)

So everything is budding that should be, the Blueberries, Raspberries, Redcurrants, Cherries, Apples, Pears, Plums etc - but I shan't bore you with photos of endless buds, hahaha. I'm not that evil! Imagine a fruit tree budding and you get the idea. Though that doesn't mean that we are merely taking this for granted, oh no! - each bud had been oohhhh-ed and ahhhhh-ed over and genuine excitement is hard to hide.

But here is a little collage of some of the more interesting things that are going on.... forgive the lighting it was harsh and white.... 
So down the left hand side we have:
 A beautiful lettuce still hanging on, what a gorgeous colour it is!!
Bolting Kale
And Garlic - you need to click on the photo to get the full glory :)

In the middle here is:
A newly cultivated bed all ready to go - yipppee
My favourite Dogwood cut back and ready for a new year

And on the right we have:
Rhubarb being forced - it's so acidy yellow inside and then there is some poking out the side too - this plant just wants to grow and grow and that is okay with me :) I can't wait for my 1st Rhubarb and cream (I hate custard) of the year
And lastly our Purple Sprouting Broccoli is showing signs of survival after the pigeon attack - hoorah.
And this is the view from the other side and I think it looks pretty darn good! Especially when you consider the state of the plot I am standing on to take this photo - it's just all dead like this; sure I'd like to see it full to the brim with lovely budding plants and a shed and beds etc but at the moment, to be honest, I am kind of enjoying that fact that it is making our plot look so good - hahahahaha. I'm not really that evil - you would feel the same, I just tell the truth ;)

More tomorrow - the other plot :) HUGS  xxx


  1. I have just caught up on the last few posts. You have been very busy...or at least Andrew has. Spring fever has obviously struck. Can't wait to see further developments.

  2. Hahahahaha Hazel you are cheeky! I have been supporting the whole time from the sidelines ahahahah. Yep I have a great hubby but I am also working super hard on my photography business and haven't got much of a an immune system so being outside isn't good for me.....excuses, excuses I know :)

  3. Are you dissing my bud photo's? :'(

    No fear of your photo's being boring, it's good to see them.
    Just remember to look back on these when your plot is full of growth :)Mo

  4. I now have rhubarb forcing pot envy! You beat my upturned, black, cement-covered bucket hands down!!


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