Sunday, 2 May 2010

Ecotherapy Rocks - again!

Check out the BBC news wesite today dear friends -

We know it!
Yet I can't get out of this room; my depression is terrible and the anxiety is only at bay with medication. The green I'm seeing today is on line and on TV  :( Though I did just eat some fresh PSB, simply stir fried by Andy - he's off again to the lottie...
ecotherapy 'rocks' - get it, hehe ;)


  1. Oh, I love the photo of the rocks!

    I saw this article yesterday (but in an American journal that referenced the BBC article) and thought of you, Carrie. It is so true -- but then I guilted myself for a few minutes because I'm not taking enough advantage of this glorious weather to get out walking or do nearly enough in the garden. I've been on deadline, but the internal Critic accepts no excuses, legitimate or not. See, it's a slippery slope from "this is good for you" to "you're not doing enough, what is wrong with you."

    I've decided garden blogs have to count as "green exercise," too. ;)

  2. If you stand at the computer, is it green exercise?

  3. Hang in there - your photos are beautiful (loved all the tulips in the last post). Hope to meet you AT THE SHOW. All the best, Ann.

  4. I saw that BBC online article and thought of you! Take care, Flighty! xx

  5. oh you sweet adorable people - thinking of me when you read the article, thank you. That means I'm getting associated with Ecotherapy in people's minds - that was the dream when i started this blog!!! I need to spread the news of good health/ecotherapy xxxxx

    'Green exercise' = blogs = love it!

    Hello Ann and welcome - off to check you out x

  6. Hope you can get back outside soon, Carrie;-) I love your 'ecotherapy rocks' pun!


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