Sunday 16 November 2008

Welcome home (to me!)

Go to Krakow, I beg you - it's great. The people are friendly, the streets are clean, food (and especially beer) is so reasonably priced and there is so much culture (both the history and cafe type). Plus, they are fellow allotmenteers but mainly they take it a bit further and have old medieval style strips of farm land for greater yield. (I wasn't quick enough to get photos of the 2 lotties I saw from the taxi - sorry.) At the very least you have to have respect for people who can make the humble potato so wonderful (vodka of all flavours!)

So home again and off to visit my poor, neglected Lottie. I've heard the weather hasn't been the best so I'm a little nervous.........


  1. Hi Carrie
    I'm glad to hear you had a great holiday and I hope your plot is looking ok when you get up there.

    THe weather has been pretty bad here in Hampshire, so I have just been doing the best I can in-between showers.

    If you get time check out my blog which I have finally got off to a start.


  2. Your blog looks great Maureen, I hope it gives you enjoyment. I know mine keeps me sane! I hope 'Allotment Heaven' turns out to be just that, best of luck with everything.


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