Wednesday, 2 May 2012

seeds in your noggin'

I'm a huge fan of the Brave Girls Club and in particular their 'daily truths' which I get sent to my Blackberry. Today's truth struck a chord and I decided I would share a little of it, please remember that these perfect words aren't mine, oh that they were....

..'Your mind is like a fertile garden and it will grow and grow and grow whatever is allowed to be planted there. Plant seeds of beautiful truth, endless potential, optimisim, beauty and gratitude.....if you plant those things thickly enough they will choke out all the weeds'...

Maybe it's a bit cheesy, maybe it's childish but I like it.


  1. I just wish those sneaky weeds didn't keep getting in! Good thought though.

  2. Definitely not childish -- rather a mature idea, I thought. That you should be purposeful in what you let into your mind.

  3. Carrie girl they are not cheesy at all .. they are so true people over look them I think .. so yes for the good thoughts to choke out the bad thoughts !
    I agree one hundred percent and I will fertilize that good growth daily? LOL
    Joy ;-)

  4. Great post and I love the thought of our mind as a garden - mine is full of flowers, big blousy blooms!

  5. As thoughts, some weeds are useful, some are not. So don't weed all!!

  6. What a brilliant quote - maybe my garden needs a bit more fertilizer and I really need to get rid of some horrible weeds that are invading!!

  7. That's not cheesy or childish, and I like it as well! Flighty xx

  8. Keep the blooms but remeber weeds are wild flowers in the wrong place


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