Showing posts with label guest blogger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label guest blogger. Show all posts

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Woooo Hooo I'm a guest blogger

I have to share the news cause life has been super tough this year so far and this has made me quite pleased indeed. I was contacted my Thompson and Morgan seeds and asked if I would write a blog post for them on Ecotherapy. Now it must be said, I get contacted by people a lot wanting me to big up their products or shops but I decline with thanks. This time though the lady I was speaking with, Rebecca, was a delight and she actually got me and asked my to write about my passion; to share the idea that gardening could help your low mood, anxiety levels and stress. So I said " YES, PLEASE"

Click the link and see :)

oh and if you truly love me, I would exchange free hugs and kisses for a comment left other there *shy smile*.

Thank you and have a fab day - it's sunny here - hurrah.
Love ...

Monday, 29 March 2010

Bloomin' Monday/ Bloomin' Malvern!

After a mixed bag of a weekend, here I find myself back at another Monday - where is the time going? It's nearly April but I'm having trouble believing we are out of Feburary yet. The weather was gloriously spring-like on Saturday and today we're being warned about snow again, possibly for the whole week ahead I feel very mixed up. Really I ought to migrate every year, just follow the sun; birds may have small brains but I think they've got to be the most savvy little creatures out there.

Here are my most beautiful 'Bloomin Monday' flowers yet (in my opinion). A deep firey red Tulip with a cream/yellow, slighty ruffled edge and the darkest purple stamens - Fab. This photo doesn't do them justice, I'll maybe change it later...


Check me out - Guest post on Meet at Malvern today! *blushes with pride* I did tell you I'm going to the Malvern Spring Show didn't I!??? I can't wait, you can check it all out at above site, beautifully run by VP and The Patient Gardener.

And thank you for all the comments on the last bloggette, I'll get back to you later on xxx (and I went to the Zoo - yippeee)