Friday, 2 September 2016

The clock keeps ticking

It was been a week and life goes on, as of course it should and indeed, must. These past few days have been so terribly painful that I have found myself numb to feelings and confused by the utter silence I have been living in. Andrew goes off to work and I am completely alone now.

I hear her, well, I think do, every now and then and find that I still walk looking down at my feet (so we don't get entangled going back and forth), though she is not there. Her living room bed is now on top of the dining room one, I have gotten rid of all the food stuffs that were for her but the toys lie where they last fell and I can't bear to put her drink bowl and food bowl away yet.  I guess these things will simply take time.

That small collar with her name tag sits beside an old favourite black and white photo of her.

On a good note, I am more interested in the allotment now and have been there a few times since last Friday. Now it's a place of sweet Maggie flavoured memories and particularity of her last day, where she dandered about and lay in the sun before the trip to the vet.

The harvests have been prolific but the broad beans and the mangetout are now finished and some things such as the leeks and the broccoli have started to bolt. Our carrots have however been a triumph and after a few years of lament over them, we are certainly glad of success.

harvest time -

I haven't a photo but the Echlinville apple espaliers had their first harvest and a pie by Mamma G was duly made = darn good apples! There are more, so next time I'll give cooking with them a go.

courgette and garlic -

Back again on Sunday and it was incredible how small courgettes the day before had become marrows! There were so many we had to give more than half away, literally carrying them to another plot holder's car and setting them down with their own harvest. Then the garlic was cleaned and it's perfect again, as each year so far - we have been so lucky.

Tonight were having more of our own vegetables, every meal has had organic, lottie-grown produce in it this week and so in an hour or so, it will be roasted root vegetables and a little chicken - I'm hungry! My appetite came back today and I am ready for a healthy feast :)

With love and thanks for your condolences last week,
Your Carrie x


  1. that last day at your lottie with Maggie must have been bittersweet.

    1. There isn't a better word Diana. I loved every second with her and took so many photos and videos, but she was so very tired and it was obvious she was in pain.

  2. A nice, and understandably poignant, post and lovely pictures.
    I have a touch of carrot envy as I've yet to grow any anywhere as near as good as yours.
    Take care, and hugs, Flighty xx

    1. Thank you for your kind words as always xx As for the carrots.. be stubborn like us and just keep trying! Never let a veggie get the better of you.

  3. We cry many a tear over much loved pets that non pet owners don't understand. Glad your allotment mojo is back.

    1. I do wonder at the reaction (if any) of those who have never had a truly magical relationship with a pet. But boy, there is no denying is a painful loss.
      No allotment this weekend - oops; instead we are going hiking tomorrow. Today (Saturday) was miserable all day, I'm not ready for September! xx

    2. When a friend of mine had had her first ever dog for a while she said that now she

  4. Our pets give us so much pleasure and equally so much heartbreak. I have had many pets over the years and suffered as each one left us. The last dog we had I adopted from an old gentleman who was going into a care home. So after the old dog had a stroke I said no more - I miss them all every day and we often talk about them but I just couldn't go through it any more.

    Your lottie produce is excellent - I too have more courgettes than I know what to do with and the freezer is full of tomatoes, I am running out of space fast, as for runner beans, after a slow start the plants are dripping with them. But one good thing, my pumpkins are ripening beautifully, the first time I have been really successful in growing them - I am dead chuffed :)

  5. So much to miss, Carrie. Maggie was your constant companion and I'm so glad you have such lovely memories of her at the lot, too. Your harvest is just gorgeous. And that garlic? They are things of beauty! I have failed garlic growing but a friend just gave me three spectacular heads of garlic from Montana. So I won't try to steal your beauties :-)


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