I'm not a cook, I'll put that out there to begin with! I like baking (maybe twice a year, haha) and I am not a fan of courgettes BUT
this way of eating up our glut of courgettes has changed everything :)
Now with my disclaimer out in the open you will have to just forgive me the lack of absolute measurements and merely use this recipe as a guide. I think with mixing a salad up together that it's up to your individual tastes anyway, this is not a science, it's an art.
Simple (tasty) Courgette Salad
You'll be in the glut season, and yes courgettes are coming out your ears, you can't even give them away and you really don't want them to turn in to marrows; that just means MORE courgette to deal with at a time. Fear not my friends - I am here to help...
1 - Take a courgette and give it a wash, then top and tail it.
2 - Take out your potato peeler and peel that courgette to death = ribbons of courgette!
3 - Gather a really big bunch of coriander and one of fresh mint (hopefully your grow your own, basil would be great too)
4 - Wash those herbs, remove any thick stems and chop up chunky
5 - Add these three ingredients together in a bowl and grind some salt and black pepper in (to taste)
6 - Cut a lemon in two and squeeze like your life depends on it; let that liquid summer cascade down through your fingers onto the mixture.
7 - Add the same quantity of olive oil as your lemon provided (roughly)
8 - Take a deep breath in of this magic and mix it up together with your hands
Crappy photo but this was the seasoning part and i was more smelling it all |
8 - Add your favourite bashed up nuts, pine nuts (roasted for full flavour), goats cheese or wild rice and quinoa. You know what you like :)
Here, a pack of wheat, quinoa, and rice was added. |
Serve and share the joy or take it somewhere quiet and gobble it all up yourself.
Carrie xx
I have a
broad bean hummus recipe to share too, but need to take photos for it :)