
Friday 9 October 2009

World Mental Health Day - don't ignore it!

I had no idea at all that today was World Mental Health Day even though I visited my psychiatrist today. I am not ashamed to say that; I have a mental health problem. I just want to say out loud that if you feel you have a mental health issue TALK TO SOMEONE YOU TRUST!!

You are NOT alone. It effects people of very age, race, creed and social class. I doesn't matter who you are, you or someone you know well will probably experience at least a period of mental un-wellness. That can be depression after losing a partner, anxiety over losing your job, or bullying at school.

I am well aware that sometimes it feels like no one cares and often there is a severe lack of professionals out there but DO NOT give up, do not feel alone, do not accept anything other than quality assistance. Make your voice heard.

Equally, prevention is better than cure ~ LOOK AFTER YOURSELF, not just physically but mentally too. You matter, honestly, you do.

And remember......Ecotherapy Rocks!


  1. Well said Carrie You know I believe that many with mental health problems have underlying physical illnesses which can in fact be treated, but sadly most psychiatrists do not look for the illness just the consequences as with many of the auto immune illnesses.I have said before that Dr.Bransfield has done much work on these lines.

    Such great news about the ME/CFS research published today finding a virus related to many ME/CFS patients. How many years has it taken to even recognise ME as an illness. Interestingly to me it is a virus crossed over from animals Hmm! now I wonder how that could be. Could it be something like Lyme Disease passed on by the bite of a tick or insect? With Lyme it is rarely just that, most patients get co infections and problems with viruses too.

  2. Nice words Carrie, a message to all.

    Love reading blog entries, keep up the good works.

  3. A good society or family will absorb all elements, taking in everyone and making the space and time really liveable for everyone ... Cheers Carrie ~bangchik

  4. Love your post, Carrie! It's good to get the word out. There's no shame in's no different than a physical ailment, in my opinion!

  5. Well said Carrie! it's like some big, dirty secret to admit that you have mental health problems. People are so judgemental so we just keep it to ourselves!

  6. Well said Carrie and a subject I'll be returning to shortly...

    In the meantime, I've finally managed to respond to the tag you kindly gave me a while ago. I hope you enjoy it!

  7. Oh so many comments and I forgot to reply. Thank you one and all for your input. I love your support and yes, the shame part of mental illnesses MUST go! Then maybe we can just get on in life, get help, accept our situation, be ourselves. xxxx

    P.S. Welcome to Gary, Jen and Ruby x


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