
Tuesday 13 October 2009

I'll have a vat of that please!

Okay, shame on me for not writing much these days; I have been sick :(

Yep, mentally not good at all, not even a wee bit but on top of that an upset tummy ~ is there anything worse when the raspberries are ripe and you can't bear to eat just one!!? All I could cope with was a single berry-ette from a Raspberry. I have been puking all over the show (even in the hedgerow of the lottie, so watch out guys, I blush).

There have been a couple of up sides to this period of dicky tum. I got to sit on Sunday by the wood stove with my blanket and just watch Andrew working hard. It is lovely to watch others run around like mad and just sit there calmly. Mint tea was the order of the day, we did have lots but the pot broke with the force of all the roots and I hacked it in half and potted up two. I thought it was 'proper' to cut plants back when you did this so there are about 3 tiny mint leaves now, but hey it doesn't taste so good on the way up again anyway!

Then there is the little bit more attention you receive and the extra hugs, always nice.

And lastly there is SOUP. Oh, if only everyone could have a Hubby like mine. Well you can't have Andrew, he's mine alone and don't even think about stealing him, though I know you want to. Andrew is a whizz in the kitchen and the lottie produce does not get harvested in vain (most of the time, blush again) when he is on top cooking form. So the healing soup he made at the weekend was Wonderful! I didn't take a photo because ironically it looked like sick, ha..

Andrew's 'Lottie Root Soup' contained:
and bought in Chicken Stock

It was all cubed, simmered and mooshed ~ yum.

I ate it all and it stayed down, hoorah. I think I would like to bathe in that soup, so good and thick and gooey and yum. Can't wait for more and more and more.


  1. Hope you've bounced back again. Must have been all those Jaffa cakes?

  2. Hope you soon get over this bug and are able to pick up. Andrew is such a gem how lucky you are but then so is he to have such an appreciative wife.

  3. No! Jaffa cakes and I have a loving relationship, they would never hurt me.

    Joanne - Andrew and I are in a mutual appreciation society. We are in love (blush). I kept my dinner down last night and breakfast was dandy this morning - hoorah, tummy not so bad then. x

  4. Hi Carrie,

    So sad to hear you've had an upset tum - me too!! Glad to hear you are feeling much better.

    I DO wish I had someone like Andrew to prepare healing soup for me. He obviously loves you so very much. Has he any single brothers?!

    I haven't been to my lottie for AGES. I MUST!!!

    Take care, Jane x

  5. I'm sorry to hear that you've been unwell and hope that you're now feeling better. I love raspberries and if I couldn't eat any then I'd certainly know that I was unwell!
    That soup sounds delicious and I've been doing the same. I'm not sure that I'd like to bathe in it though!
    By the way I love the word 'mooshed'!
    I've added you to my 'Lawn loungers' blog list so I'll be stopping by regularly from now on! Flighty xx

  6. Jane - sorry Andrew is a one off, no brothers. Get down to that lottie and breathe in the autumn air, it's lovely. Even if that's all you do, it's nice this time of year xxx

    Flighty - Still can't face a berry :( It's not good. Tonight I am being treated to squash risotto (comfort food), I hope it stays down. I shall add you to my list, I do rather like your blog you know xx


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