
Friday 9 October 2009

What Allotmenteering is really all about!!

Forget all the hard graft, the digging, planning, planting up, tearing down, composting. Forget the uncooperative weather, the seed catalogues, trips to the nursery or timber merchant. Forget even the committees, Fun Days, blogging and documenting everything with a million photos.
I tell you what...this is true Allotmenteering....

Eating soup made from the stuff you grew (see Squash Soup recipe below) on a slightly chilly evening with the wood stove going beside you warming you up nicely. Listening to the birds, especially the cheeky Robin standing on top of the water tap 10 meters away. Having your Hubby and your dog with you and watching the sunset.

That is why you should either get a plot, visit a friend's or spend more time at the one you're neglecting (you know who you are!)

Yes it is hard work having a lottie but nights like we had last Sunday, that makes all the mistakes, the money spent, the working in the rain and freezing winter wind, the worry about little seedlings and dreaded diseases (blight, whisper it) all seem to melt away. Enjoy this lovely harvest time, enjoy it on the plot if you can, it's wonderful in the true sense of the word.


  1. OK, I am officially jealous and wishing I had an allotment! :)

  2. Turn your back garden into one!!! Miriam would love it xx

  3. I agree that's what allotmenteering is really all about!
    Such a moment for me was a month or so back when I picked my first couple of ripe sweetcorn, which I took home (just a few minutes walk) to cook and eat. I'm not much of a foodie but I was in heaven!
    As you rightly say wonderful! Flighty xx

  4. Oh my goodness Flighty you have just reminded me - my mother in law has all our sweetcorn in her freezer (we went on holiday right at harvest time, tut tut)!!!!


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