
Thursday 16 January 2014

Signs of hope and happiness

As you may remember, last Saturday I wrapped up as warm as I could and went to the lottie to see for myself the glory of the horse manure delivery. (Who in their right mind ever gets to write a sentence like that!) Anywho, I was suffering with the flu and didn't want to just stand about whilst Andrew shovelled some into the compost heap (see below) so I took myself off for a wee dander round our field (Field A - the first and best, haha, I'm biased).
steaming horse poop - 'Grow Our Own' Allotment Blog

Naturally I started with a walk through 24a to get to the path out. Goodness I love Kale and the 3rd pic is off a little glass globe style thingy on a pole :)
Kale in the winter sunlight - 'Grow Our Own' Allotment Blog

More yummy healthy Kale - 'Grow Our Own' Allotment Blog

Glassy, globe like abstractness - 'Grow Our Own' Allotment Blog

So this was the first time I had my good camera out with me for a long time; these are just some photos I liked, searching out moments that spoke to me and trying to capture them 'in camera' (ie. no computer effects used). This year I really do want explore that side of myself again - hopefully the blog will benefit :)

Let's fly, let's fly away - 'Grow Our Own' Allotment Blog

Things just want to grow, given half a chance! - 'Grow Our Own' Allotment Blog

Much work to be done - 'Grow Our Own' Allotment Blog

So much joy in such a small thing - 'Grow Our Own' Allotment Blog

Finally back at our plots and this is all I am willing to share of the disgraceful 14b. A wilderness if ever there was one and somewhere that is soon to be attacked, once I get over this flu. There are fabulous plans in the making for this half plot - so far our work hasn't quite paid off over there but we are determined.

Rhubarb poking through - 'Grow Our Own' Allotment Blog

Artichoke somewhat past it's best now - 'Grow Our Own' Allotment Blog

A little duo of happiness, two blue anemones  - 'Grow Our Own' Allotment Blog

 Back then on 24a and I thought these were pretty cool; naturally freeze dried raspberries. Oh and two suicidal gnomes - sad, so sad....

Freeze dried raspberries on the plant - 'Grow Our Own' Allotment Blog

Suicidal gnomes - 'Grow Our Own' Allotment Blog

Hope your day is going well, better than the guys above, that's for sure! We just got a packet full of packets of seeds through the letterbox :) Andrew ordered some vital items, we'll also pick some fun new things together. I'm going to let him open the packet and see everything first. So much happening and people think Winter is a dead boring time to be a gardener!

I just ran out into the back garden with my hot water bottle and saw that YES the Snowdrops are through and starting to open :) Happy signs indeed :)



  1. We are now waiting for our first seed delivery!

  2. Eek! Exciting times. I'll show off our first lot soon x

  3. Even though you've got the flu (get better soon), you sound good:~) The sprigs of humor are popping up and I always enjoy your humor.

    I loved looking at all the pictures. I clicked on them and got them even bigger and with more detail. You have such a knack for composing a shot.

    You're going to laugh, but my favorite was actually the artichoke, mainly because I've never seen one quite like that one.

    However, the gnomes gave me chuckle. I'm glad you brought the good camera and I'm hoping for more "untouched" photos because yours are lovely:~)

  4. My packet of packets should be plopping through the door any day now. Nice to have a wander round your allotment site. I'm waiting for a little dry spell to go and work on my plot. No sign of it happening any time soon!

  5. That Kale looks fantastic, do you know which variety it is? I've recently discovered Cavolo Nero, it's a revelation with our Sunday dinners.

  6. Sara, thank you very much! I do try my best xxx

  7. CJ - I still have many to pick, eek, I'm doing more flowers than ever before. It is all rather exciting :) May yours plop soon!

  8. Hello Sam :) Thank you for your comment and I shall have to check your blog out.

    Our Kale is Black Tuscan, Cavela Nero.

  9. It's good to just go to the allotment even if it's just for a walk round and, of course, take some good photos like these.
    I've got most of my seeds except for a handful which I ordered earlier in the week.
    Flighty xx

  10. Hope fills your frame, Carrie -- every image is rich with it. And that heap of horse treasure? The plants are going to love it. Spring is coming!


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