
Wednesday 22 January 2014

Just resting; waiting...

I'm one of those people who feels they really ought to be doing something constructive at all times, every day, all day. It gets to the point where I can't sleep due to the things that I could be doing, should be doing... I'm my own worst enemy. I know I have rather poor mental health and I know that my medication makes me tired and the constant fights with those demons in my head leave me confused and exhausted but...Well it wasn't until I caught this cold/ manflu from Hades that I finally (its been months in coming) let myself rest.

'Let myself rest', ummm, that's a complete lie; I was forced to rest, body and mind. I have found over the past weeks and particularly since Sunday that I am weaker than water and yesterday I slept until 5pm. PM my friends!!

But as I lay there in bed last night I thought about it and realised that it was a blessing in disguise (as a lot of blessings are); I'm feeling more peaceful in my noggin and a little more willing to listen to my body. One golden thing about all this resting is that in closing my eyes I can see for miles... I can see into the past and think of what the future could hold....

Anyway, this all leads me into a beautiful segue into the recent package that come through our door.

Seeds! Lots of seeds :)

Joy upon joy, hundreds of little specks of HOPE landed with a small thud on the hall floor. They too are listening to their inner selves in a way, they are sleeping too and preparing for better days ahead. Nature always has the answer... it's miserable outside, there is little happiness to be found in the constant rain and cold, very little happiness to be found in the flu....maybe we all need a little hibernation or at the very least, to slow down.
Veggie Seeds 1 - 'Grow Our Own' Allotment blog 2014

Veggie Seeds 2 - 'Grow Our Own' Allotment blog 2014

I've written this up as a list and added a new page up the top so you can see as anytime what exactly we have chosen this year. Naturally this list will get much longer and I haven't even ordered my flowers or all the other things we need :)

Happy Photo ~

Confession time - I have been up for hours; showered, cleaned the en suite and then steam cleaned the en suite, put washing on, vacuumed upstairs and have already been writing this for over an hour!! I am such a hypocrite and will probably never get better at this rate! Plus the fact that the hall still hasn't had it's second coat of paint and it's driving me bonkers - I need to strap myself to a seat.



  1. Love the snowdrop photo. I know what you mean about giving yourself time. When I stopped work, the thing I realised was I had not had any time to myself, to think, to do things for myself. The allotment, and cooking, has given me that. Time to just be.

  2. I think it is a sad fact of life that we never give ourselves time to just be. Even holidays are time constrained and I know many people end up thinking about work anyway. It seems the only quality time we get is when we are ill and are thus unable to truly appreciate it. I guess many people think retirement is the time to relax, though lucky if you get that far and really lucky if you have your health!

    Hugs and I'm glad you are taking time for you x

  3. I find it difficult to sit and do nothing which is why having a book to read helps. At the moment though we are decorating and after our decorating are moving on to decorate for my sister.

    I've never seen seeds provided in see through packages before.

  4. I know exactly what you mean, I am the same. If something needs doing, it eats away at me until it's sorted. How lovely to have your seeds, mine should be arriving soon. I hope you recover soon Carrie.

  5. Sue you are an angel, doing your own decorations and then moving on to another house! Either an angel or mad lady :)
    I always have a book near by myself, I must be doing something!! Day time TV is not an option.
    I too haven't seen seeds sols in wee plastic bags either, but sure.... :)

  6. CJ - I am slowly going nuts with this the last decorating task not being finished!!!; Ggrrrr. I think I shall have to try and do more work tomorrow and then nag the hubby, hehe.
    We have many more seeds, tubers and seedlings to get yet so don't be too jealous just yet!
    Thank you for the get well wishes xxxx

  7. Though I'm completely rubbish at seed growing, it still makes me smile to see packets of it like the start of your stash.

  8. I understand your driven NEED to get on and DO SOMETHING..... anything! I suffer from depression also, but my "Little voice" and need to get on sounds like my lovely wife / IS my loveley wife :)
    Hope you feel better soon.

  9. Carrie -- First of all, I hope you feel better soon. Earlier I had a flu bug that similar to yours. I had a hard time doing anything, but sleep:~)

    On the hand, sometimes housework is perfect. It's not too mentally tasking, but it keeps the mind busy so it can't send you gibberish. In addition, the exercise only makes your rest better. So, if you can't stand that hall anymore -- well, paint it.

    As usual, I love your pictures and it's fun to actually see the seeds you plan to plant (when they are SEEDS). I like the see through containers!

    Happy restful day to you:~)


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