
Wednesday 12 March 2014

Something inside so strong...

...(or maybe in my case, just stubborn and foolhardy)

sunny day with Maggie - '' - Allotment Blog

I was out again, yesterday, with Maggie at a much later and busy time (2pm), with workmen all about and many cars on the road. Oh and there appeared to be a startling amount of people in the car park at the allotments too. We walked up to 'that sign' and then in a haze of terror, we walked on a few 100s of metres to the community centre. My goodness I was sweating profusely and in a not ladylike manner at all! I was so terrified I barely remember coming home. I think having a good smartphone with a camera and music saved me - it distracted me.

With me it's all push, push, push! And now I am exhausted, scared and slightly scarred. I think it shall be a while before I attempt it again.


sunny back garden - '' - Allotment Blog

What a glorious day it was! Sunshine and blue skies and washing hanging outdoors. I went out into the garden (after a shower and smelling pretty again) to take these photographs of our newest purchases, seedlings doing really well and potatoes chitting like there shall be no tomorrow :)

little greenhouse, tulips and red gooseberries - '' ~ An allotment blog

Broad beans and Dahlias -  '' ~ An allotment blog
Broad Beans (Aquadulce Claudia), there are 5 beautiful shoots so far. Two new Dahlias - 'Bishop of Llandaff' and 'Mary Evelyn'
And lastly those spuds (we added a new one too)
3 different potatoes chitting -  '' ~ An allotment blog
(Left to right) Kestrel,  Saxon, Pentland Javelin 
Well my lovelies, that's all for now. I must go now and cut Maggie's hair - she will probably hate me for the rest of the day, or until she gets a few biscuits :)

Maggie, not happy at what is to come...a hair cut! - '' ~ An allotment blog


  1. Well done! Flighty xx

  2. Don't go push yourself too hard but very well done!

    Are those gooseberries thornless? As for Maggie's hair cut - my sisters dog - Tivvy - has a mobile groomer come to the house and she is called Maggie!

    Sue Garrett

    1. Thank you, I really need to learn when enough is enough.
      The red gooseberries are thornless, yes, so much better than all those bloomin' scratches!
      Maggie hated her groomer and squealed lots...though I am sure agroomer called Maggie is fabulous. I cut her myself now and we take breaks and don't rush. Xx

  3. ah, does Maggie hate to have her hair cut? Which bits do you trim?
    Diana Studer

    1. Heck yes! she gets cut everywhere bar the beard (which is behaving well these days). It exhausts us both but she is slowly becoming a very good girl and just endures it, with biscuit brakes :)

  4. With every attempt, you get that much closer AND you still saved the day, which might not have happened earlier. I don't know if you see it, but I see lots of good changes in you. I know you will still have tough days, but you're fighting them more and winning more skirmishes, even it they're not the big battles. I've probably sent this to you before, but it's my favorite quote and I use it all the time when I'm struggling with something. It makes me smile:~)

    "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain." Vivian Greene

    I think you danced very well from the pictures you took of your house. I loved the clothesline.

    Poor Ms. Maggie. Then again, try grooming a cat:~) Mine is currently shedding. If she even SEES the brush, she's gone. So, I end up using my duster and picking up the clumps of hair, knowing I will do the same tomorrow and the next day and the next, until the winter coat is gone. At least with Maggie, you can bathe her and clip her:~)


    1. Sara - you are lovely as ever, thank you and big hugs xxxx
      Oh no no no to shedding pets! I couldn't cope with that at all, my hay fever would be mad and my poor eyes running away, even though my wee body struggles to make them. Much love and sympathy petal xxxx Maggie is a doddle in comparison - phew :)

  5. Now that sounds like a walk!!! Glad you were out!! And my goodness just look at all of your glorious garden goodies! The potatoes look amazing! And your shots from the day are beautiful!!! A wonderful day to u!!! Nicole xo

    1. A great big thank you Nicole!!! Today was good, visited the dentist and got the all clear, hoorah. I'm not a fan of that place

  6. Well done you for braving it. Try a quieter time of day next time, and I hope you will find it easier. I do like the sound of thornless red gooseberries. I have a couple of huge gooseberry bushes on my allotment and I got absolutely ripped to shreds harvesting them. The weather has been beautiful hasn't it. Back to cold again today here though. I'm going to brave the allotment tomorrow, I want to plant some strawberry runners. I need to dig them out of the garden first though. Hope the rest of your week is good Carrie.

    CJ xx

    1. My hands were in a terrible state last year due to the green gooseberries, I was ashamed to show them! Thing is when I see a ripe gooseberry I must have it, must. have. it! Totally right - next time I go it Weill be a quieter time and I think (poor baby) I will even leave Maggie at home - she draws too much attention. Best wishes with the strawberry runners. This the first year we aren't growing them...we've admitted to ourselves that we don't actually like them! Best wishes petal xxxxc


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