
Tuesday 4 March 2014

On the plot, off the chart

I have returned from a glorious afternoon on the plot! What a joy it is to see the weather improve just enough that some work can be undertaken :) Here's an overall picture - oh goodness it's been too long since I have been in person...

Here was my first task ~ to weed the blueberry patch which was infested with damn unwanted plants, choking my beloved fruit bushes.Why do weeds thrive when other plants must fight so hard to get through the winter? I had music in my ears thanks to replacement headphones and was even able capable of coping for 20 mins here without Andrew on site - quite proud of that...though on a serious note 20 mins was tough.

Next up for this area is nagging the hubby to build a fruit cage so that we, rather than the birds, grrr, get a bounty of blueberry goodness this year. I am getting rather fed up at not winning the battle to eat my own fruits. (I do hope you are reading this dear hubby - in front of the world, now you have to make that cage asap! xx)

Andrew dealt with this little disaster - our broken wind battered mesh fence. It's even better than before now and much more sturdy - hurrah!

Then in a fit of good moodliness (it is a word, stupid spell checker) I attacked this area and boy it felt good. I was only stopped by one side being really waterlogged and there being a visitor at the plot. He was utterly lovely but well, I was very nervous and though I smiled I couldn't cope and that was the end of the afternoon for me. It was getting very cold though too, so lets blame that instead :)

There was another super surprise hidden in our storage box under the shed window but that's for another day - oh what a tease I am!

* Now I must warn you my dear friends, as I tell a truth of harrowing villainy and complicated crime...

A black hole is within me and I am losing myself at an alarming rate into the void. You think you'll eventually get used to Depression; it'll get easier, you'll find your way out of these horrible days, learn to just doesn't work that way for me. Today, as with yesterday, I am slave to my own broken body, I can fight no more, sleep is my refuge. 

Thank goodness I had written the above post already; my blog (and Maggie) are everything to me in my loneliness. I must, with all the passion I can muster, give thanks to you... for reading and for those comments you bestow - you make my life so much more bearable xxxx



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, thank you very much...I do like your name :)

  2. You are so brave to share your deepest darkest feelings with us... thank you. You do indeed deserve a huge HURRAH! for each difficult step you take. I am blessed to live in SE London where the weather is milder than where YOU are, and the recent amazing sunny warm days have brought me round from my own recent depression... it never really goes away does it? But somedays are easier to manage. I realise I probably should be leaving this comment on your latest post, but sorry I have tracked back to here where I last popped in. I do hope you can read it. Lots of good wishes coming your way, for some sunshine and for better health and some good DAYS! Love Mary at Shirleygoldendoodles.

    1. Hello Shirley! Thank you for your comment and kind words xx I am sorry that you too suffer from depression, it doesn't go away, but I think all sufferers have their better days or even good moments; they are what drive us on. I do hope you didn't have to deal with all that flooding in your part of the country and I wish you every best wish and good weather too! xxx


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