
Friday 21 March 2014

Fruit Soda Farls - N. Irish bread yumminess

So here it is, my 1st ever recipe shared with you! As I said in the last post it is a muddle of a few recipes and some Carrie intuition. Oh crikey I am so nervous. I have made a recipe card, it's 6x4 so if you like you can print it out but seriously, if you do try this ~ constructive feedback only please!

Fruit Soda Farls 
Fruit Soda Farls - '' ~an allotment blog

Do remember that flour is a funny thing and the amounts you require can change on any given day due to the weather and humidity in the room or the make you buy etc...

Farl -

 Farls - Fruit Soda Bread Farls - '' - An Allotment Blog

I made it yesterday again and tried to take photos along the way but goodness it was difficult, especially when trying not to get flour or dough etc on my lovely camera and lens, nevermind the not burning my farls!

Below Left ~ Measuring
Below Right ~ Mixing the dry ingredients
measuring and mixing dry ingredients - '' ~an allotment blog

Below Left ~ The Well and the wet batter/dough
Below Right ~ By cutting into 4 you are creating 4 'farls' :) ~ Cooking 2 at at time

Creating the fruit soda bread dough - '' - An Allotment Blog

Below ~ Here they are, I like to go a deep golden and even love little burnt bits ;)
The finished fruit soda farls - '' - An Allotment Blog

Hugs and love
 Carrie x


  1. I think the best thing you can do is to ship some out so we can decide whether it is worth the effort to make our own!

    1. Ohh, clever Sue! You are a sneaky one xxxx

  2. This looks delicious, Carrie! And your recipe photos are brilliant (love that vertical tile in your kitchen!). Just to be clear, you are cooking the farls on a dry fry/griddle pan -- there's no oil or butter on it?

    1. Yep, dry pan with a sprinkling of plain flour. It does get a bit smokey. Hugs my love xx

  3. Errr really sorry but I've drooled all over your post :(

    1. Ooopps...the next one I do, I'll warn you in good time so you can get a napkin ready ;) love you x

  4. Mmm, they look delicious, I'm hungry now. I'm sure everyone in this house would love them. And I really like the neat little card you've made. Thanks Carrie! Wishing you and him a good weekend. CJ xx

    1. Hugs CJ - I love soda farls but the fruit ones are better (in my opinion) as you can have them as a sweet or savoury lunch :) Thanks again for the best wishes - the same to you; may your weekend be super duper xx

  5. Think the dark crispie bits would be the best too! Have you ever thought of substituting cheese for fruit? Wonder what they might be like! I love cheese scones 😊

    1. oohh, now you sound like a inventive baker! I'm not the biggest cheese fan but you GO FOR IT! These are lovely with cheese :)

  6. The recipe card is great. What kind of fruit are sultanas? They looked like raisins to me. Is this a case of different names for the same thing across the pond or are they really a different fruit? Anyway, it looked very good. As I like cheese, Flowerlady's idea was also appealing:~)

    1. Raisins are dried white grapes,
      Sultanas are dried white seedless grapes (a little sweeter and fatter) I believe they are called golden raisins in some countries.
      Oh my farls, they are delicious !!! xxx

  7. Hi I saw your post on Thompson & Morgan from Feb 2014. I have recently added one and thought I'd pop by to say hello. Amanda x

    1. Thank you so much Amanda xx
      Glad you are also part of the blogger world, I shall have to check you out :)

  8. The farls looks so tempting, I might have to make some for my birthday breakfast next week!


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