
Saturday 8 February 2014

Cactus Killer; Cookbook lover

I did the unthinkable - I killed Eduardo! He's gone, gone to the cactus heaven in the sky and he was so young...I loved him too much, I over watered him, I wanted him to be so stylish I neglected his environmental needs. I, my friends, am a murderer, though my tiny fake flamingo is awesome - right?.

Eduardo was only a couple of years old, I got him for my study as I thought, foolishly, that there was no way I could possibly kill a cactus, they live forever, right? But I put him in a room without good sunlight and certainly no direct sun at any time of the year; I really wanted to use this fabulous glass container Andrew has saved from the lab at work, I wanted to try and have at least one plant in the house. I failed, again. I have only ever owned 2 houseplants Eduardo and an ivy which I placed in direct sunlight, in a bathroom and never watered. Oh the shame of this is too much to bare - I have black thumbs!!

Rest in peace Eduardo, sorry Andrew ripped off your head to see just how stinky it was inside you. I promise never to get another houseplant again. Oh goodness this photo just says it all - look how brown he is and a gaping hole; 'I love you' ? How insulting...

If you're interested in how to care for a cactus in your home, ignore me and go to this page instead *blush*


I received a wonderful gift earlier this week from Mamma G (yes I am quickly changing the subject) in the form of an old Cookbook. I'm sure everyone has something like this in their country - a recipe book of traditional fare with the recipes provided by everyday women (many farmers' wives) that tell you the right way of making those dishes your Granny used to make. It's a Federation of Women's Institutes of Northern Ireland book - they are still going and still making cookbooks but this one is from sometime in the 1960s.

I am planning on trying to recreate some of the dishes with the produce we grow on the plots - if there are any success stories I will share, though maybe it would be funny to share my disasters too :) My hubby is a better cook than me but I want to give it a try.

Hugs (and may you see a little blue sky over the weekend - we can dream, right?)

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