
Friday 31 January 2014

Goodbye January

Well it's been a rough old month of the flu and more of the flu and then a wee bit extra for luck! The weather has been appalling and quite frankly I am ready to embark on another month :)

However, this month has also brought some joy in the shape of getting back into my blogging with renewed vigour, being featured in the ever glorious Grow Your Own magazine under the Ecotherapy section, meeting loads of fellow allotmenteers on Twitter and most recently, doing a guest post over on the lovely Simon's blog spadeforkspoon.

Me on Ecotherapy in Grow your own magazine - Grow Our Own Allotment Blog
Me in 'Grow you own' magazine
Guest Post time :)
Screen grab of beginning of guest post :)

I read in The Guardian that 'the blog' is now 20 yrs old. Wow. Grow Our Own, my humble offering, is merely 5 and a half years old but the changes I have seen in those years are difficult to believe. I remember feeling completely lost and alone, not able to find other allotment bloggers for ages and now, it's possible to be hooked up to hundreds of people in no time via Twitter, allotment forums, blog directories, magazines and Pinterest to name a few. I love this virtual world and my small space within it though had I known the exposure I would have picked a bloody better name, hahaha :)

Nothing much has happened on the plots as they sodden and well, did I mention I have had the flu ;) But plans are formulating and we are just waiting for a break so we can get started.

I decided for the first time ever, to try and make a wee photo/quote poster for you, you can download it with impunity (if you want to) and stick it up in your shed :) A pressie from me to you xxx

February 2014 - Snowdrop Photo/Quote - Grow Our Own Allotment Blog

Well I'm off later to have a lovely evening stay at a posh hotel with my hubby :) That's the best sort of thing to do on a very cold, windy, rainy Friday if you ask me :) Mine's a whisky, thanks!



  1. Thanks for the mention. You're a star. Enjoy your hotel stay! Maybe it'll be better weather next month?!

  2. A garden and a library...I like that.

  3. Unfortunately we've just cancelled our subscription to garden magazines as we were just cluttered up with past issues that we hadn't got round to reading but well done on being featured. Will you still 'speak' to us when you are famous?

  4. PS where is Maggie staying whilst you are away - or is it a doggy friendly venue?

  5. Nice post. I hope that you feel better soon, and also that you enjoy this evening. Flighty xx

  6. A lovely download Carrie, thank you. And I am quite happy with books and a garden. I'm waiting for a dry spell too, then there will be lots to do outside. I hope you both have a lovely hotel stay.


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