
Saturday 24 October 2009

Mingling with the hoi poloi

Yesterday Andrew and I had lunch with the Mayor in the Town Hall. Sounds very fancy and really is was very nice. We weren't alone though (we aren't that important), instead we were part of a large group of winners and runners up in the Carrickfergus in Bloom competition. Oh, the photos in the papers and the acolade of winning Best Kept Alloment of the year 2009 wasn't enough, no, we also had a gorgeous lunch, a certificate, a gift bag, Lottie book and our fabulous vouchers for the local nursery. Then again, there were another few photos taken for the papers; our 15 mins of fame is over.

It had been a very long time since I had been in the main hall of the Town Hall. I used to do solo singing when I was wee there, for the Music Festival. I always came 4th every year ( 5th once) - which is great but I never once got a prize or a certificate. Wick. I remember one year I was the 149th (last) person to sing, everyone was so bored and it ended up with most of the audience singing the bloody song with me! Can't blame them, sitting listening to that may kids sing the same song that many times I would go insane now.

So, to me the Hall was tiny, not the huge venue it was when I was 6-11yrs old. There were people from all over the brough and the whole age range too. We had a lovely elderly couple at our table who came second in the' Container Gardens' section and the winner of the 'Childrens' Painting Competition', Gemma, and her parents.
We had a very tasty lunch and red wine (yummy) and a short speech by the Ulster Co-ordinator of Ulster in Bloom, Ken. He spoke about how he was visiting his doctor recently and she asked wheater he was still in the post, telling him that gardening wasn't just good for you physcially but mentally too. I nearly jumped out of my seat I was so happy. Had to go over to him and have a wee chat. I've said it before.....Ecotherapy Rocks!!

It was fun, we have to try really hard to at least be runners up next year and get to go back. Oh and Stephen if you're reading this.... I didn't get a name badge and my name isn't on the certificate!! Shame.
For all the winners, runners up and a chance to see Gemma's fab painting check here.


  1. It sounds, and looks, like you really enjoyed yourselves. I think that it's great to take part take in such events and then get to chat with others, of all ages.
    Gardeners not only have to be eternal optimists but one of our mantras is 'Next year...'!
    Flighty xx

  2. Sounds like you had a great time well done you.

  3. Congratulations Carrie to you and Andrew You deserve it as your plot always looks nice. Great photo's of you both too. x

  4. Get you!
    Congratulations and i'm sure you will be there again next year with all the hard work you put in.


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