
Thursday 4 June 2009

A personal essay on my experience of Ecotherapy

I have just posted a link (to be found permenantly on the right hand side of this page) to my essay on Ecotherapy. I have called it 'Allotmentherapy' and hope that my being open about my experiences will be of some help to someone else out there in their struggle against mental illness.


  1. Hi Carrie

    What abeautiful piece, very eloquently written.
    I hope it helps others and that you can re-read it in the bad times and it will help you too.
    Best wishes,

  2. Thank you very much. I really hope people do read it and it helps someone in some small way. Thank you for taking the time to read it and to comment as well. Much appreciated xxx

  3. I am so touched by your story. It is very courageous of you to share such a personal part of you - by telling this story you are giving a gift to other people who may be desperately needing the help. From the darkest desperation has sprouted something for which you can live for. Thank you for the post. -Jackie

  4. I can vouch for allotment therapy! It works for me - every day!

  5. Jackie - thank you for taking the time to read it! I find that the shame I feel for being ill is so overwhelming at times that I need to fight back, this was one of those times. It has been rewarding to find I'm not alone and that I am accepted for who I am. Thank you for your comment x

    Matron - Yep, you know it - allotment therapy rocks!x


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