
Monday 27 October 2008

Argh! The weather

I don't have that much to tell you about our weekend because the weather was SO absolutely foul! So I'll spread out what I do have over the next couple of days.

Andrew was lucky enough to get home at little bit earlier from work on Friday night and we used the time to see our lottie on a week night, in the light!! It was terribly mucky (too mucky for precious Maggie) and had been quite gale-y over the week so we were a bit nervous about what we might find. Our site is an absolute wind tunnel.

Luckily the only problem was a blown over bench and (empty) compost bin which had very kindly controlled its trip down our path, avoiding all beds. Clever bin! Our wee cloches were still firmly in place and there was no damage to the plants (save some wind burn on the very tips of some leaves). We got off very lightly. Close to us a half erected shed was looking the worse for wear and in Field B, a half erected greenhouse was quite sad looking too.

In fact we had much to smile about. There was a very large delivery of cow manure, left (in our field) by the port-a-loo, lovely; sort of apt, no?. Billy sorted that out with a farmer friend of his. Hopefully the council will pay him back for the money he handed over, but if not, there will be no problem in collecting a little off everyone who wants to use it. More on that tomorrow. We also had another ripe raspberry, which again, we shared (ah, young love). Then lastly we picked some of our very own Spinach and some Scallions to add to our dinner.

As we were leaving, I took a photo of the sunset, lovely red sky at night (allotmenteers' delight?) we'll see.....


  1. Hi Carrie

    Your blog is brillant as usual.

    I hope yourself and Andrew are well.


  2. Gary, is that really you?
    Where have you been?, I've missed you and the wonderful Luke.
    You flatter me about the blog, but I like it. Haha.
    Andrew and I are both good, hope to see you soon.


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