Tuesday 22 June 2010

Food, glorious food

I should be having my nap right now whilst Andy is at the lottie. I have a walk later, a trip to Tesco and then a late night taxi service pick up scheduled for my neice and her boyfriend. I am going to be tired and maybe even grumpy - oops...BUT I have to share some more of the delightful harvests we are having at the minute. Oh boy this is good stuff.

Okay we shared a Chinese take-away last night and yes, you may all point your fingers at me and say 'shame, shame on you' and shake your heads, I deserve it. However that badness aside we have been eating like super healthy Kings (erm King and Queen, I mean).

Apart from the delicious strawberries we had that I showed you earlier we have been continuing to eat a lot of fresh lettuces, seriously peppery rocket, lovely new potatoes, mint, super citrusy sorrel, very dill-y dill and lots of sweet and delicious broad beans. Feast your eyes my friends...

Oh we've had some great salads and risottos and tonight we also had our first beetroot. Oh how I love the beetroot, the smell when I walked into the house got me all a flutter. The taste (with the much loved brown sauce on top) was divine - a little bite of heaven. I love Allotments!!!

The potatoes have been eaten boiled, bashed about a bit with dill and rocket and some sea salt - I heartily recommend this. Give a taste, you won't regret it (for legal reasons I must point out that you may find in fact that you do regret it but I can not take the blame - your taste buds are obviously just faulty).

Off for that walk now and the hayfever meds seem to be helping a bit - today saw the highest pollen count in the UK and I didn't die - so, erm, that's good :)

To those of you how may be visiting me via Meredith's recommendation I heartily welcome you. Isn't she the best?? Namaste x


  1. Hi Carrie. :)

    I am indeed visiting at Meredith's recommendation. How did you know? ;)

    I love some of those dishes. My mouth is watering on the keyboard and now I'm being electrocuted. It's a miracle that I can still type in this state! Don't worry, I won't sue.

    Still, those photos... I can't wait for 3D computer screens so that I can just reach in and pull the food out! Bring on the third dimension!

    Anyway, thanks for having me here and enduring my nonsense. Say hello to Andrew and Maggie and watch them go, "Who?" Other people's confusion is fun! :P

    I look forward to more posts full of food and other wonderful things! Until then, take care! :)

  2. Our broad beans are almost ready too but we haven't planted out the beetroot yet. Must admit when it is cooking it smells like sweaty socks to me :-)

    Do you roast it or boil it?

  3. What a mouth watering post! I'm still waiting on my potatoes, perhaps next week. Flighty xx

  4. Counting on you to keep Meredith's flag flying while she's at Enchanted Earth.

  5. WELCOME Tony!!!

    Greenlanes - we boil it but I have had it cooked on a bbq and it was amazing!!! P.S It does not smell like sweaty socks - cheeky :)

  6. I love this time of year when we all get to enjoy the fresh veggies from our garden. Everything looks delicious! I love beets too and have them growing in my raised bed. They aren't ready yet to harvest, but soon. Can't wait!

  7. this is truly a good time to grow your own food. What a wonderful plateful! Yum.


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